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tiistai 8. toukokuuta 2012

My thought exactly

Good Girls Do Swallow on vielä kesken muutaman kymmenen sivun verran, mutta jotain erittäin hyviä ajatuksia herättävää oli pakko jakaa kanssanne.

"Dieting has nothing to do with men. Dieting is all about other women. I'm a feminist who hates women, at least today. Hell, at times I loathe women. Double hell, many times I can't stand to be near them. The problem is, I have spent so much time competing with them that I just don't know how to relate to them anymore. It's not the women that repulse me; it's mu reaction to them. I don't feel like a feminist when I eye up the new woman being introduced at Friday night drinks. I survey her body, searching for a bump, a lump, an overhang of flesh, a fault, something I can jump on to make myself feel better about who I am and my position in the group. Nor do I feel like a feminist when I secretly gloat at another woman's weight gain after a death in her family. I certainly don't feel like a feminist when I flaunt my freshly slimmed-down body in the hospital as I congratulate my friends on the birth of their babies.

I hate women who move in on my man, I despise women who would scramble over their grandmother to get to the cute guy in the corner. I call myself a woman's woman, rant and rave about equal rights, yet I seethe if I am not the best-dressed at the party.

Thirteen-year-old girls with their peachy skin, flirty skirts and innocent eyes make me sick.

I loathe anorexics. I want to shake them and tell them to put on weight. I want to point out that the baggy clothes hide nothing (and I should know). I want to scream at those anorexics wearing Lycra to stop rubbing their body in my face, to grow up, to take hold of themselves. I want to tell them they're martyrs - pathetic and they make me sick. I feel enormous next to anorexics; I feel they are judging my fat as lazy, slovenly, out of control. They remind me of myself and I can't bear to stare directly at their self-destruction.


It's not the men that worry me when the top of my hipster skirt is sitting up around my waist. It's the chicks, my girlfriends, the women, the gals - what will they say? I know they'll say something, they will check me out, calculate how much I have put on and smile sweetly as they tell me how fabulous I look. I will know they are lying when I feel their eyes in the back of my buttocks as I waddle over to the bar for a drink." Rachael Oakes-Ash kirjassaan Good Girls Do Swallow (sivut 114-116)

Tarvitseeko muuta sanoa? Kuin että mie olen katkera vanha ämmä ;D. Mutta rehellisesti. Lainauksen tarkoitus ei ollut tuoda esille sitä, että olisin vain kateellinen muita naisia kohtaan, vaan se, että miehillä ei ole mitään tekemistä miun oman laihdutuksen ja kaikenmoisen ruokapelleilyn kanssa. Kuinka monella on joskus ollut samansuuntaisia ajatuksia? Että tämä kaikki paska on vain naisten keskinäistä kilpailua siitä parhaasta paikasta? Koska en mie ainakaan tätä pelleilyä ole koskaan miesten takia tehnyt. Vaan itseni ja oman kilpailuviettini. Koska halu olla laihalaihempilaihin vain jostain kumman syystä viehättää. Ja vertailu omassa päässä suhteessa varsinkin niihin laihempiin naisiin on suorastaan brutaalia. Kertokaa teidän ajatuksia ja kokemuksia.

Palaan kukkaruukkuun.

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